Grapefruit is well-known for it's ability to cleanse the body and burn fat. You can make this juice and drink it throughout the day. Ingredients: 1/2 freshly pressed grapefruit 1 quart distilled or purified water (do not use tap water) 3 drops Young Living Spearmint Oil 3 drops Young Living Tangerine Oil Yacon Syrup or stevia to taste. Recipe found in The Essential Oils Desk Reference Sixth Addition For information about purchasing Young Living Essential Oils, go here. Making it is simple, yet many people are unfamiliar with how to
make almond milk, so here it is. Ingredients: 1 cup raw almonds 2 cups pure water, plus some for soaking the almonds overnight. Directions: The night before making the almond milk, place 1 cup of raw, organic almonds into a bowl. Cover the almonds with pure water and allow to sit overnight. When you are ready to make the milk, simply rinse and drain the almonds, place them in your blender, and fill the blender with 2 cups water. Blend well. Strain the almond milk through a nut milk bag (or nylon produce bag that you can find in the produce section of any health food store), cheese cloth, or a strainer to remove the pulp. This will give you a beautiful white milk you can drink by itself or use in many of my recipes, including ice cream. I normally slip out of bed first thing and head to the living room to start my day practicing yoga and meditation (normally means that's the idea, doesn't always happen). It just seems to make everything else go smoother for me. I really notice the days when I choose to sleep in, that I am just off. So, I cherish my quiet solitude in the morning before the northwest sun peeks it's face from the darkness.
After my practice, I like to have a cup of coffee and read for a bit, but the coffee just wasn't seeming to fit in so well with the feeling of rejuvenation and relaxation that comes after yoga and meditation. So, I decided to make some yogi tea instead. What I love about it is that its energizing and warming without caffeine. Its not dehydrating either. Yogi tea is known to help stimulate digestive fire and detoxify your system. It is also said to strengthen bones and soothe tired muscles. It came to the US in the 1060's with Yogi Bhajan who routinely served it to his students after yoga practice and so became known as yogi tea. I found this recipe in the Art and Science of Raja Yoga by Swami Kriyananda. Here's the recipe: 10 ounces water 6 peppercorns 4 whole cardamom pods 1/2 stick cinnamon 5 whole cloves 1 slice ginger root Optional Additions: Milk and Honey to taste Bring water to a boil. Add spices and boil on medium low heat for 20 minutes. Strain and add milk and honey if desired. Maria Rippo is a Transformational Weight Loss & Wellness practitioner with an online as well as a local practice in Bothell, WA. This article Copyright 2013 by Maria Rippo, all right reserved. To replicate or use any portion of this article, please do so in its entirety including this text or contact the author at [email protected]. |
Chichen Itza, Mexico 2015