"Several studies indicate that dieting is actually a consistent predictor of future weight gain," said Janet Tomiyama, a UCLA graduate student of psychology and co-author of the study. One study found that both men and women who participated in formal weight-loss programs gained significantly more weight over a two-year period than those who had not participated in a weight-loss program, she said.
Wow, so, we've been duped. Interesting that the weight loss industry is a billion dollar industry. So, a lot of people are cashing in on a lie! How many diets have you tried, only to find out that dieting causes binging? So, if diets don't work, what does?
exercise," Mann said. "That is not what we looked at in this study. Exercise may
well be the key factor leading to sustained weight loss. Studies consistently
find that people who reported the most exercise also had the most weight
I don't think I needed to write the
above paragraph. Maybe it even feels like an insult to your intelligence. Duh,
watch what you eat and exercise more! But, what seems to be the challenge, in my
own experience and in that with my clients, is that we know what to do, but how
do we get ourselves to do it? Could the key to lasting weight loss
be changing our mind about food? And if so, how do we do
I've spent the last five years of my life
intensely researching and working with different alternative weight loss methods
simply because I found myself totally obsessed with food and my weight. I found
myself teaching lifestyle modification classes only to have most of the students
not be able to make the changes I was teaching and ending up feeling totally
defeated. I have found this also to be true with people who take the Green
Smoothie Challenge. Some can stick to it and many cannot.
The methods I have found that do work for
lasting, permanent weight loss have to do with using the power of the
mind to change the choices we make about food. According to Dr. Caroline Leaf,
neuroscientist and author of Who Switched Off My Brain?,
says that it is scientifically proven that we are hard
wired to be able to 'renew our minds.' She says, 'you have a brain that you can
re-wire.' Our life experiences shape our beliefs and those beliefs shape our
behavior. If our behavior stems from our beliefs, then when we change our
beliefs, doesn't it make sense that our behavior will change? According to
Dr. Leaf, our thoughts become our choosing. Our choices come from what we are
thinking. And as we choose, we actually cause genetic expression. What??? Well,
simply speaking expressing genes means that we make proteins. Proteins in
the body are building blocks. These proteins that are created by genetic
expression build and hold the electromagnetic force that builds
branches in the brain and on those branches are the information that cause us to
make choices about what we think about. Our choices then cause growth inside the
brain which then creates the thoughts we think. Thoughts begin to builtdin our
brains from conception! We have trillions of thoughts inside of our subconscious
brain and our subconscious brain makes up 90% of our mind. Our thoughts
occupy 'mental real estate,' says Dr. Leaf. Every time we think and choose, we
build real estate in our head. We never act randomly. Every action is a result
of a thought that already exists in our brain. All day long we think, choose and
build real estate in our minds. We are either building a lush, green forest of
blessing and abundance that leads to love or we build a dark, desolate, lifeless
forest that leads to fear. So we make our choices out of love or we make them
out of fear. When we are making choices out of fear, it's because our
subconscious beliefs are distorted.
At first
this might feel like blame and create some shameful thoughts, like, OMG, it's
all my fault. See, I can't even think right.
That is a normal
first reaction! I totally relate and the same thoughts crossed my mind because
my first instinct has always been to criticize myself in every way I can.
Somehow, this is the programming I learned early on and is the programming many,
many people learn. So, if this describes you, I invite you to simply notice all
of it instead of hiding from it. Leaf says we are wired for love so when we have
toxic thoughts programmed in our minds, it creates chaos. Can you relate? I know
I can!
She says our brains are not wired for
resentment, bitterness, unhappiness, hatred, anxiety and trauma. This type of
wiring that we create in our brains is responsible for 87 - 98% of physical and
mental illnesses otherwise known as DIS-EASE. When we have illnesses, it is
simply a sign of dis-ease in the wiring of our brains. Recent studies back this
up. They found that 98% of illnesses come from our thought life. We are created
in the image of God and we come hard-wired for love. When our circuitry is not
built from love, our body experiences dis-ease. Our Creator has given us the
freedom to think, choose and build the circuitry in our brains. When we choose
to wire in resentment, unforgiveness, negativity, we are busy slowly dying from
the inside out. We get to choose whether to wire death or life into our
This is soooooooooooooo beyond incredibly exciting
because if you find that your beliefs are not leading to positive choices for
your life, then guess what? You can change all of
There are many ways to do this. I have
chosen to be trained in two very effective ways to find and heal the hidden
beliefs we have (that we are totally unaware of on a conscious
level). These beliefs create our choices so if we find the beliefs and
consciously alter them, creating new wiring in our brains, then we automatically
begin to make new choices without ever having to count a calorie or rely on our
will power or follow a diet!!
The methods I use in my
private coaching and my classes are EFT (emotional freedom technique), hypnosis
and holistic coaching. None of these methods are a magic pill that work
overnight, but they are effective and create permanent weight loss because they
change our behavior from a subconscious level. If you'd like to have a
complimentary appointment with me to vanish a craving, click
If you would like to listen to Dr.
Leaf's talk on this subject click