I love adding lemon oil to my diffuser in the morning because it is very energizing and uplifting. It also is shown to disinfect the air I breathe!
I also start my day by adding a drop or two to my water. The oil is cold-pressed from the rind of the lemon and it takes 3,000 lemons to produce 1 kilo of oil, so it's highly concentrated. Lemon oil is detoxifying and contains high levels of d-limonene which is shown to be a powerful tumor inhibitor.
Lemon oil can also be used in place of Goof Off! Just rub a couple of drops where there is sap, gum, or label residue. Works like a charm!
For a simple lemonade you can combine 2 drop lemon oil, 2 TBS honey and 2 cups water, adjust amounts for your personal taste.
Always use oils in glass, not plastic containers! Do not apply citrus oils to skin that will be exposed to the sun because it may cause burning. Do not use near eyes.
Use cold mist diffuser to mist into the air to lift mood and disinfect the environment.
Apply a drop to blemishes or wrinkles as needed.
Rub on cellulite to help cellular detoxification and possible elimination of cellulite.
For a free guide called, 120 Uses for Everyday Essential Oils (My favorite ones I use daily!) and for information on why I only use the highest quality grade A Therapuetic essential oils from Young Living, go here. You will also find out how to order this oil and my other favorites if you are interested!