1 medium zucchini
1 cucumber
3 stalks celery
Big handful parsley or cilantro
½ lemon, mostly peeled, you can leave a little of the peel on b/c it is
anti-bacterial, anti-cancer and good for the immune system!
1 green apple
1” piece of ginger
1" - 2" piece of fresh aloe gel. You can purchase a large stalk of aloe at any Asian
market. Alternatively, you may purchase a commercially made aloe gel. I
recommend George’s or Professionals Care.
Here’s an ariticle on how to harvest fresh aloe gel http://www.naturalnews.com/PhotoTour_Aloe_Vera_1.html
You may want to add a little stevia to this smoothie to sweeten it.
3 cups water
Blend all ingredients together in blender for one to two minutes or until smooth. Chill before drinking if desired.