Is it possible that when we focus on obesity, overeating or dieting, we directly avoid the real issue which has nothing to do with overeating, obesity or dieting?
Then one day, as I sat at the dinner table, fully focused on a conversation I was having with a piece of sourdough bread, generously slathered with butter, that sat untouched on my daughter's plate, I woke up. I sat there as an observer of my own self, having a fight with sourdough bread and butter. I wanted that bread, or, more likely...the butter (bread was just a convenient delivery vehicle). I started to laugh as that bread looked at me so lovingly, so invitingly, so outrageously temptingly. And I stopped and felt inside me where this unceasing craving was coming from. It was under my breasts, above my belly button. This is known as the 'fire center' of the body, otherwise known as the solar plexus. It's where our creative energy comes from, our move forward energy, our vitality and sense of power. All at once, I realized that I was giving my creative energy to move forward in life, to live out my God-given purpose, to a piece of sourdough bread with butter sitting untouched on my daughter's plate, dead and limp. A piece of dead bread, and I let it have all my power, my focus. What was I missing out on as I focused so intently on this love affiar of mine? Was this really what I wanted?
I had given that tasty morsel a voice and power in my life. I was having a real conversation with it. I lauged out loud at the craziness of the situation. And...I woke up. I knew there was a powerful lesson here, that my craving for that bread was here for a reason and instead of focusing on the idiosy of the whole situation, I decided to allow it to be the beginning of a journey towards a more balanced love affair with my food.
And so this blog was born, to share with you all my secrets of allowing my relationship with food to be more healthy, more balanced, so I could get my gift out and start sharing it with the world while I experience a vitality I never knew before! I invite you to join me on the journey, on your journey. Let's go!