It can be overwhelming to trade out your old favorites for new healthy choices! It's easier than you think to get rid of the food that no longer serves you and replace it with options that will create health and vitality!
It's actually fun! So, where do you start?
Step 1 Kick the Processed Foods to the Curb!
Step 2 Restock
Oils and Fats
Condiments & Spices
Natural Sweeteners
There are so many delicious recipes you can make to satisfy your sweet tooth! Some of my favorite sites for healthy recipes are and . Don't forget to check out my sweet recipes too! My favorite healthy sweeteners and the ones you will find in the recipes on these sites are: pure birch xylitol, rapadura, coconut palm sugar, raw honey and stevia.
Canned Goods
Nuts and Seeds
You can also make your own flavored nuts, Here are some recipes.
Herbal Teas
Healthy Grains
Step 3 Recipes!
A well stocked kitchen will do no good on it's own. Start finding recipes for simple food you can make.
Find a few snacks you really enjoy. Here are two posts I wrote on what we eat for snacks. Consider finding a week's worth of go-to recipes you enjoy for you main meals as well. If you are stuck and would like help, consider setting up a complimentary coaching appointment with me for some pointers!.